Changes to Ex-Mod Rating Eligibility for California Employers20180713094043

Changes to Ex-Mod Rating Eligibility for California Employers

TCA CorpJuly 13, 20180 comments
As of January 1, 2016, the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) is using a new formula to determine whether or not an Employer is eli...
Post-Term Work Comp Claims: The Best Offense is a Strong Defense20180627071746

Post-Term Work Comp Claims: The Best Offense is a Strong Defense

TCA CorpJune 27, 20180 comments
Before I get into the fun stuff, let me first share with you my inspiration for writing this post. Last month, my company had the chance to participat...
The Staffing Industry Has Yet to Reach Its Full Potential20180627071627

The Staffing Industry Has Yet to Reach Its Full Potential

TCA CorpJune 27, 20180 comments
Depending on who you talk to, some organizations see temporary staffing as a moral hazard that undermines the well-being of our economy. They say that...
Insurance…The Lazy Industry20180627071443

Insurance…The Lazy Industry

TCA CorpJune 27, 20180 comments
What has your Insurance ever done for your business? It’s kind of a weird question, right? Who cares about insurance? You probably just pay your renew...
Is Payroll Factoring Just for Failing Staffing Companies?20180627071225

Is Payroll Factoring Just for Failing Staffing Companies?

TCA CorpJune 27, 20180 comments
I guess the best way to answer this question is, what line of business are you in and can you afford the cost to factor your invoices? You should also...
A Staffing Company is just like a farm in a lot of ways…20180627071120

A Staffing Company is just like a farm in a lot of ways…

TCA CorpJune 27, 20180 comments
Each crop that a farmer grows is like a new client account.  If managed properly, each new crop can bring in a lot of profit. However, there is also a...
Is Money really the #1 reason why we start a business?20180627071024

Is Money really the #1 reason why we start a business?

TCA CorpJune 27, 20180 comments
What is the one thing Business owners want? It’s money! You start a business because there is opportunity to make an infinite amount of money. Otherwi...
Is your Staffing Company playing with FIRE?20180627070830

Is your Staffing Company playing with FIRE?

TCA CorpJune 27, 20180 comments
Do you remember when you got your first credit card? You probably swore to yourself that you would use it no more than a couple of times a month to gi...
The Staffing Industry’s Achilles’ Heel20180627070701

The Staffing Industry’s Achilles’ Heel

TCA CorpJune 27, 20180 comments
A quick Google search will reveal to you that there are well over 100 different types of recruiting software available to the Staffing Industry. No su...
Do you really know what you are paying for your funding?20180607070311

Do you really know what you are paying for your funding?

TCA CorpJune 7, 20180 comments
I wanted to take a minute to address something that’s bothering me. Nobody knows the true value of a dollar more than a business owner, right? Then wh...